This is my first blog entry so bare with me.  BTW this is a picture of my new home…..HA! yeah right can’t find a picture just yet to replace it but I will it’s a little too much even for a Diamond 🙂

I wanted to share my thoughts with you about my new start for 2012.  This is my journal entry from last week .


Today as I sit in my little piece of heaven at Euro Spa in Calistoga with my husband on our now annual Calistoga trip. I am lost in thought about my new business venture Gracefully Worn that I will start in January.  I have decided to share a space in an antique co-op in Petaluma at Summer Cottage Antiques.  My best friend Emily has been a dealer there for several years now.  I have learned so much from her and am ready to take on the venture myself.


You see growing up my mom had a love for many things but almost always nifty vintage things.   I grew up with most everything second-hand so to me it was funky junk.  But most of my adult life I have had a new appreciation for vintage, antiques and collectables. Thanks to my mom I now have such a love for the potential something has as they say “someone’s trash is another man’s treasure”.   I will never forget the first time walking thru Summer Cottage years ago on our 1st annual Bestee birthday shopping day.  I was in complete awe and as I strolled through you’d hear me say “my mom had one of these!”    I was taking in all the treasures I didn’t even know I loved so much! So as the anticipation and butterflies twirl about knowing I am taking the first step to wherever this venture will take me.  I am excited and completely freaked out but I think that you should be at least a little….right?   Nervous still knowing I still have furniture to be sanded and painted or not we’ll see, items to be priced and a logo being created.  It will all come together as it should.  Because it’s fun and inspiring and what I love!  And I know that with the love & support of my husband and bestee Em and God’s guidance I will be a success!

  “Life Begins at the End of your Comfort Zone” Neale Donald Walsch